J.G.P. MacAdam


J.G.P. MacAdam writes a lot about the military and veterans. He served in Korea ('05-'06) and Afghanistan ('06-'07 and again in '09). Stateside, his duty stations included upstate New York, Washington, D.C. and some long stays in Georgia, Louisiana, Kentucky and Virginia. 

J.G.P. moved on from the military and became the first in his family to earn a college degree, a B.S. in Industrial and Systems Engineering from the University at Buffalo (SUNY), with a minor in philosophy. 

A high school dropout and chronic runaway, he moved around a lot as a kid. Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, West Virginia and Florida have all been home to him. The railroad is in his roots. His dad, stepmom, uncle and great-grandfather worked the yards, management, or laid track. Much of his writing penchant he owes to his mom. To his mom-mom and sister he owes his sanity.

He currently lives in Oregon with his spouse, two cats, three fishes, unknown amount of snails, a kid, and a puppy, and somewhere around fifty house plants.


Pushcart Nomination "Was His Name Mohammed Hassan?" The Wrath-Bearing Tree, February 2022 

2nd Place "Time Hack" Colonel Darron L. Wright Memorial Writing Award, August 2021 

Interviews / Press

"Creative Spaces: The Nonfiction Authors of Vol. 11" Fatal Flaw Literary, Sept 2024

"Conversation with Assistant Substack Editor J.G.P. MacAdam" CF Behind-the-Scenes, March 2024 

"Military Life: J.G.P. MacAdam" The Point Magazine, Issue 27: Survey, April 2022

"Line of Advance: Award Winners 2021" The Aiming Circle, September 2021

Select Short Fiction

"Let Grown" JMWW, July 2024

"Zombie Free Not Free" A Thin Slice of Anxiety, June 2024

"Earth" The Palisades Review, April 2024

"How [Not] to Tell a True War Story" The Line Literary, March 2023

"The People of Pithom" This is Portland : Buckman Journal, December 2022

"We, Grits" As You Were: The Military Review Vol. 14, Memorial Day 2021

"The Pickers" Passengers Journal, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2020

Creative Nonfiction

"Zora Zombie Wars" Consequence Magazine, Vol. 16.1, May 2024

"Dead and Dumb" Fatal Flaw Literary, Vol. 11 Paradox, May 2024

"Little Monsters" Pithead Chapel, May 2024

"Solemn as Solemn Gets" Stone Canoe 17, June 2023

"The Countryside Is as Much a Place of Peace as War" The War Horse, June 2022

"Am I Dead Enough For You?" As You Were: The Military Review Vol. 16, Memorial Day 2022

Book Reviews

"From Laghman to Bucktown: Discontent & Disillusionment" Consequence Forum, May 2024

"Holler: A Poet Among Patriots" The Atticus Review, January 2024

"The Naked Don't Fear the Water" The Colorado Review, Spring 2023

"Midnight’s Borders by Suchitra Vijayan" The Bangalore Review, February 2023

Also, Goodreads ;)


For updates on my writing, please follow me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. If you'd like to contact me directly, the contact form is right here.